LINEマンガ app offers a vast collection of manga from different genres, including exclusive original works and popular adaptations. With over 700,000 works available, including exclusive and original content, you can easily get lost in the world of LINE Manga. From popular titles to niche genres, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Plus, with features like "Daily Free" and "¥0 Pass", you can read up to 13 stories a day for free. And if you're a fan of manga that have been adapted into anime or movies, LINE Manga has got you covered. Don't miss out on the opportunity to dive into a diverse collection of manga and novels from various genres with LINE Manga!
Wide selection of popular manga, including works that have been adapted into dramas and anime.
Overwhelming lineup of over 700,000 works from various genres such as boys' and young men's manga, romance, and more.
Enjoy for free with features like "Daily Free" and "¥0 Pass" to access great deals and read eligible works.
Wealth of original works and exclusive advance manga, with over 700 titles only available on the app.
Regular special campaigns and events like coin return campaigns and mission events for free coins.
Access popular works that have been made into anime and movies all in one place.
With features like "Daily Free" and regular campaigns for free coins, users can enjoy reading for free and accessing special deals. The diverse selection of manga and novels, along with the ability to access popular works that have been adapted into anime and movies, make LINEマンガ app a must-have for manga lovers. Click to download now and start enjoying your favorite manga titles!
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