With the innovative Petrol GO app, you can easily pay for fuel, coffee, car washes, and even shop for products in advance all from the convenience of your vehicle. Simply scan QR codes, select your options, make payments, and enjoy a seamless experience "on the go". Petrol Club members can also enjoy exclusive benefits like discounts and free products by earning and exchanging Gold Points. Whether you're refueling, grabbing a coffee, or picking up groceries, Petrol GO makes your life easier with its user-friendly interface and various payment options. Fuel up, grab a coffee, wash your car, or shop - Petrol GO has got you covered!
Pay for fuel and car wash from your vehicle.
Pay for coffee on the go without coins.
Order and pay for products in advance for easy pick-up.
Exchange Gold Points for discounts or free products for Petrol Club members.
Multiple payment options available, including Petrol club payment card, mBills, Visa, and Mastercard.
Easy and fast payment process for fuel, coffee, car wash, and food orders.
Sign up for Petrol Club membership to unlock exclusive discounts and rewards, making your purchases more economical.
Familiarize yourself with the QR code scanning feature for quick payments and seamless transactions at the pump or cafe.
Pre-order items for easy pick-up to save time and streamline your shopping experience while on the go.
Petrol GO is a convenient and efficient mobile application that allows users to easily pay for fuel, coffee, car wash, and shop for products in advance. With various payment options and exclusive benefits for Petrol Club members, this app provides a hassle-free experience for on-the-go transactions. Download now to experience the convenience and speed of Petrol GO!
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Мой t2. Новый уровень
Mr. M
Ne omogoča plačevanja s Petrolu lastno (srebrno) kartico!?
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Dejan M
Upravo isprobano. Veoma dobro radi. Jako zgodna aplikacija.
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Odlicna aplikacija
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može i bolje
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