Category: Productivity Date:2024-11-13
Rating: 4.4
Toko:與 AI 機器人練習真實英語對話,增強英文口說自信 is your personal English conversation partner, ready to chat with you whenever and wherever you are. With over 150 themes to choose from, you can practice speaking English in a stress-free environment, perfect for preparing for exams like TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS. No need to schedule classes with a tutor—Toko uses the latest in AI and ML technology to provide instant feedback on your grammar and pronunciation. Take advantage of short, sweet conversations that can easily fit into your daily routine. Join us on this journey to make learning English easy and enjoyable! Start your free 7-day trial now and say hello to Toko!
❤ Pressure-free learning environment: Practice speaking English at your own pace without worrying about making mistakes.
❤ Small and sweet conversations: Short 5-10 minute conversations that you can do anytime, anywhere.
❤ Smart technology: Uses the latest in machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand and respond like a real person.
❤ Preparation for Speaking Tests: Develop skills and confidence to pass TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS speaking tests.
❤ Instant feedback: Get corrections on grammar and pronunciation instantly.
❤ Created by MIT Computer Engineering graduates: Passionate team dedicated to making learning English easy and fun.
Toko:與 AI 機器人練習真實英語對話,增強英文口說自信 is the perfect tool for anyone looking to improve their English speaking skills in a stress-free and convenient way. With its user-friendly interface, instant feedback, and preparation for speaking tests, Toko is a must-have app for those who want to practice speaking English anytime, anywhere. Try it for free for 7 days and see the difference it can make in your language learning journey!
2024-11-17 23:05:33
2024-11-17 18:04:17
Yuchen Tu
2024-11-17 02:51:04
Joe Shiue
一開始感覺有點奇怪有點尷尬,但習慣之後AI是真的很好聊,會針對你給的訊息再發展話題不會只是罐頭,講到偏離主題他也會play along,這部分滿自然的哈哈 重點是完成對話後給的文法建議跟換句話說很實在,很能學到正確用法或是更漂亮的說法
2024-11-17 02:37:45
2024-11-16 11:42:04
Tingyun Chan
很驚艷,口說救星,這類的練習在錯誤矯正上會更有效率。許願可以有AI真人發音,像是Natural Reader之類的功能,目前聲音聽起來還是類似機器。
2024-11-16 03:03:37
tamako Yang
更新評論 因為試用期比較短,所以不小心繼續訂閱了,但是48小時還可以申請退訂,所以要特別注意。 關於原本以為沒有文法修正功能,後來官方有回應是有的,後來再看了一下發現確實是有的,因為真的沒有使用很多次,只是不知道還有沒有像grammarly能夠建議更好的單詞功能 但如果確實會常用已經是值得訂閱的了,如果有繼續使用會考慮訂閱
2024-11-15 21:58:47
Cindy Yeh
非常推薦想要提升口說技巧的人使用此款APP!與AI對談讓學習0壓力! 多練習永遠是學習語言的不二法門,然由於生長在台灣,生活周遭很少有機會講英文,即便在外商工作也比較常以書寫溝通,總覺得口說能力持續退化,也越來越容易因為怕講不好、講不對而不敢講。 後來得知有Toko這個學習工具,終於等到出了Android版立刻載來用。目前已經使用一個月,因為AI不會催促人,又會給出文法/用詞上更好的建議,讓我可以自己掌握練習的步調,明顯感受口說能力持續進步中。另外,我也很喜歡探索新聞,可以跟AI聊聊最新的時事,包含像最近上映的芭比和北捷的共享雨傘,很有趣也能學到很多。 期待未來在Toko的協助下繼續進步,謝謝Toko團隊!
2024-11-14 17:05:19
CK Ling
2024-11-14 04:44:54