Introducing E-Fast, the ultimate app to find the articles you're looking for at the best prices. With thousands of products across different categories, E-Fast is perfect for all your shopping needs. Whether it's fashion, food, household items, or personal care products, you can find them all here. And the best part? Enjoy amazing promotions while you shop. It offers an easy, fast, and secure checkout process, with various payment options available. With a wide range of daily discounted products, quick and simple product search, online order tracking, and the ability to create wishlists or save products for later, there are countless reasons to fall in love with it.
- Wide variety of products: E-Fast offers thousands of products from different categories, including fashion, food, household items, and personal care, all at the best prices.
- Easy and secure purchase process: The app ensures a fast and secure payment transaction, providing protection for online payments.
- Multiple payment options: E-Fast accepts various payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and even cash, giving you flexibility and convenience.
- Daily discounts: Get access to a large number of products with discounted prices, allowing you to save money on your purchases every day.
- Quick and simple product search: Find the items you're looking for easily with E-Fast's efficient search feature, making the shopping experience effortless and time-saving.
- Order tracking and wish lists: Stay updated with the status of your orders through the app's online tracking feature. Additionally, create wish lists or save products to buy later, ensuring you don't miss out on any desired items.
Moreover, daily discounts, quick product search, and order tracking features provide added convenience and savings. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enjoy a seamless shopping experience – download E-Fast now!
Find deals, save money and satisfaction-guaranteed with the top shopping apps. Browse name brands, local stores and all your favorite categories - these editor-approved apps make it fun and easy. Compare prices, read reviews and get discounts with a few taps. Download now for a seamless mobile retail experience that helps you hunt down true bargains 24/7.
Zenden: обувь и сумки
Landers Superstore
magicpin: Food, Fashion | ONDC
Cacharel – Online Alışveriş
A Google user
El día que llegaron con mi pedido, fue temprano y sin inconvenientes. Es genial la facilidad con la que puede manejar la aplicación, no tiene nada complejo y brinda una gran variedad de artículos. Una gran idea en está emergencia que estamos pasando. Excelente servicio.
2024-05-20 11:33:09
A Google user
Precios interesantes, productos buenos. App con poentencial, pero no me queda claro las tarifas y lugares de envío. Tarda demasiado en hacer login con Facebook, tuve que cerrar la aplicación y volverla a abrir. Tiene problemas de diseño, principalmente en márgenes y layout (tiende a ser confusa). El ícono de promoción es el logo de Dropbox. Los bullets de los sliders pegan con los bordes inferiores de las imágenes. El mensaje de "Producto agregado al carrito" tapa los botones y tarda demasiado
2024-05-20 06:58:47
Santiago Antero
No funciona...
2024-05-19 19:23:51
Nicole Soto
Mu buena app
2024-05-19 15:50:19
A Google user
Impresionante servicio! Sumamente fácil y hay gran variedad de productos. Estoy muy contenta y el servicio al cliente es espectacular!
2024-05-18 13:20:44
A Google user
Excelente experiencia de compra. Muy fácil de usar, simple y precios muy buenos. Altamente recomendado.
2024-05-18 12:07:41
Fabricio Peñaranda
tienda online solo accesible desde el app y no web...
2024-05-17 05:32:32
A Google user
Amo la aplicación, es excelente
2024-05-16 20:16:37
Jill BV
No me gustó la calidad de lo que venden y tras de todo altos precios, me senti estafada por lo que pagué en relación a calidad.
2024-05-16 19:51:04