In a futuristic entertainment metropolis known as SEVEN's CODE, players are thrown into a thrilling adventure filled with mysteries and challenges. As Yuito Kashihara, a member of the city's elite security force, you must navigate through a world of enigmatic characters and unexpected twists, all set to a backdrop of over 50 vibrant songs and 300 musical scores. With a revolutionary rhythm-game system that puts you in control, immersive storytelling, and a stunning visual world created by the talented SSS group, SEVEN's CODE offers an unparalleled gaming experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Can you uncover the truth behind this captivating realm?
❤ Innovative rhythm-game system where players control how to play
❤ Stunning visuals and beautiful world created by concept-art group SSS
❤ Over 50 songs and 300 musical scores to unlock through the story
❤ Unique characters with vivid personalities and fully-voiced story by an all-star cast
❤ Engaging storyline set in a futuristic entertainment metropolis
❤ Explore mysteries, face challenges, and uncover the truth behind the enigmatic world of SEVEN's CODE
Unleash your inner rock star on the go with the hottest music games for Android! Step up and slay awesome covers with fellow bands online, sculpt hit tracks beat-by-beat or belt tunes Karaoke-style. Download now to discover immersive games that inject rhythm, rhyme and fun into your music listening. Perfect your performance skills through these top-rated titles - start your encore and make sweet music anytime, anywhere!
Independence Day Car Race
Piano Kids: Animals Music Song
Thai Checkers - Genius Puzzle
Funny Animals Land
Snow Racing: Winter Aqua Park
Shleepy Story: Nighty Night!
Miffy - Educational kids game
Match it!