Embark on a hypnotic journey with Neros in Saimin H School, a unique H-Visual Novel game that offers a simple yet intriguing storyline. As a lonely student who stumbles upon a mysterious pendulum, you soon discover the power of hypnotism and the ability to influence those around you. Created using Koikatsu, the game may be amateurish at first, but promises to improve over time. With scenes ripe for creative exploration, SHS invites players to experience a world of hypnotic possibilities and unexpected twists. Stay tuned for updates and join the community on Discord for even more fun and surprises!
* Unique premise: Transform from a loser student to a hypnotist with a mysterious pendulum.
* Simple story: Follow a straightforward progression without branching choices.
* Creative freedom: Build scenes with flexibility using Koikatsu.
* Interactive gameplay: Hypnotize others and witness the consequences of your actions.
* Constant improvement: The game is still in its amateurish phase, with potential for growth.
* Community engagement: Stay connected through a possible future Discord server for discussions and updates.
SHS offers a unique and engaging experience where players can immerse themselves in a world of hypnotism and personal transformation. With interactive gameplay, creative freedom, and room for improvement, this game promises entertainment and potential for future growth. Join the community and discover the power of the pendulum in Saimin H School.