In Ninja Arashi 2, the thrilling sequel to the original ninja game, you step into the shoes of Arashi, a fierce and determined warrior. After managing to break free from a frozen prison, created by the cruel shadow demon Dosu, Arashi embarks on a dangerous mission to save his son and uncover the dark motives behind Dosu's plans. Prepare yourself for a challenging platformer experience with 80 stages to conquer, as well as the introduction of melee weapons and new game mechanics. Upgrade your ninja skills using the RPG elements and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Ninja Arashi 2. With its stunning graphics and epic boss fights, be prepared for an unforgettable adventure.
* Challenging platformer gameplay: Get ready for an exciting and thrilling adventure with challenging platformer levels that will keep you engaged.
* 4-act story mode with 80 stages: Dive into a captivating storyline as you progress through 80 stages, revealing the secrets behind Dosu's evil plan.
* Introducing melee weapon: Unleash your ninja skills with the introduction of a powerful melee weapon, adding a new level of strategy and excitement to the gameplay.
* New mechanics: Experience unexpected and unique gameplay mechanics that will keep you on your toes, providing fresh challenges and surprises.
* Brand new skill tree and artifact systems: Upgrade your ninja skills and unlock new abilities with the brand new skill tree system, enhancing your gameplay experience.
* Epic ninja vs boss fights: Prepare yourself for epic battles as you face off against powerful bosses, testing your skills and tactics.
Embark on a thrilling journey as the raging Arashi and rescue your son from the clutches of the evil shadow demon, Dosu. Ninja Arashi 2 offers addictive gameplay, captivating storyline, and stunning graphics with a shadow silhouette style. Upgrade your ninja abilities, conquer challenging levels, and engage in epic battles with bosses. Download Ninja Arashi 2 now for an unforgettable ninja adventure!
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Jitka Vyslouzil
I enjoy this game very much. The design is wonderful, story and gameplay engaging and it's also challenging too, so I didn't get bored after some time of playing. Only thing that slightly irritates me, is the add after I click respawn, but it's only a small thing and can be easily removed for a really reasonable fee. This game is one of the best I played on mobile in a while. Highly recommending :).
2024-04-13 22:55:58
Micro F.e.X.
I loved the first one and I feel this is a nice sequel. I like the new enemy types, I would say maybe up the difficulty a little bit, some stages where really hard but then others I could just do them first try. There is a bug with the artifacts because I have found many spots where artifacts should've been, but the artifacts themselves where missing. I think you should make the third boss a little bit more difficult. Other than that, I'm really excited for the coming updates, keep it up!:)
2024-04-13 18:11:53
Jamie Lindemann
It's a solid platform action title with tight but fair combat and timing. The art style is striking and lends itself to some surprises with enemies, but also really beautiful. Good mix of combat, strategy, and luck. Only downside is the lackluster voice acting, but the main character doesn't talk much. Major plus is that it is playable all the way through without paying to win. Never cheats you on an energy bar or timer mechanic, and delivers what it promises. One of my favorite mobile games.
2024-04-13 15:01:58
Kings Obasi
A very balanced sequel, with more levels,enemies, locations and actions. The last four levels are unplayable which I suppose are still in development. The difficulty increases perfectly in the game as you progress, although the last act is very difficult to overcome. The monetary system is improved as its even more difficult to gather coins compared to the first. Nevertheless, I hope to complete the game soon.
2024-04-11 11:17:37
Noly Sanchez
I like this sequel. But it needs to be optimized more, and i think some artifacts are bugged because when i find it's secret location, the artifact was gone. And the hitboxes on the spikes, please fix it and i know that the skills are just cut off from the first one. But this game has a lot of potential. And the bad thing was making the difficulty Looks easy because the first one really hard compared to this one.
2024-04-11 07:57:42
If you played the first game, this one is an improvement over that one with it's own stages (and continues the story of the first). This game is a really good platformer, with precise controls and amazing stage design (subtle things like introducing a trap in a safe environment to teach you about the trap). My only issue is that there are adds (just turn off wifi and your good there) and some light pay-to-win purchases.
2024-04-11 03:05:21
Yudhistira Yulianto
It's easy, then it gets really difficult, but in a way that you're curious on how to get through it, really really nice game. No unnecessary ads, but the ads help you a lot based on my experience for collecting crystals. Only input is, I think it will be helpful if we can adjust the position of the keypads, and the transparency, because it can get in the way when we're facing the boss level. GREAT GAME!! Pls continue the game. The challenge and the story
2024-04-10 19:51:03
Glauber Cantacini
Currently awaiting on the remaining two levels + ending + Challenge Mode. The game itself is beautiful, it has amazing mechanics (even better than its predecessor), nice soundtrack and fun levels. It does need some polishing (scenarios with few visual glitches, soundtrack doesn't loop perfectly). Also, after completely powering up Arashi, the collected coins become useless. Apart from that, it still remains as one of the best mobile games out there! Very fun to play!
2024-04-10 13:10:05
as I expected! Finally, the wait worth it! I've been searching Arashi 2 for like 2 years already, no response. Now, it finally came out. The difficulties are on higher levels, absolutely fantastic. It's just that sometimes I feel like performing double jump little off, and the portable checkpoint function was eliminated which is a pity. Overall, keep up the good work!
2024-04-09 18:54:00